Since the more struggle of defining education may be handled, let's find out the categories that education could be divided into. Education could be a formal plus an informal one. Formal education is meted to us in universities whereas informal education is a self-didactic process which we always perform every moment in our lives.
Which can be more essential to all of us is debatable. Today's urban standards of living make sure that people have some degree of formal education imparted to all of us in schools and colleges. But the problem is, degrees and certificates don't guarantee education. In that way, education grows more of a vanity than the usual necessity. Education must not only make us competent enough to curve a niche to live in in the whole wide world however it must also encourage independent thinking in us. It should be the mentor and also the guide that assists us discover, learn and formulate. And as our dearest Sir Mandela highlights, education should be the weapon to forge alterations in a whole lot of stagnant ideologies and redundant mediocrity. It should inspire us, encourage new thoughts and rejuvenate defunct lessons learnt in the past.
Thus, it's great education that matters ultimately, not the mode of acquiring it. Good education should therefore imply whatever helps us in performing every one of the above and has to become a conglomeration of formal and informal education. Our education should make us people who can dream of a much better world and execute the information into reality and that is only possible whenever we use a balance of formal and informal education.